Here is another example of a social atriocity that any architect should be ashamed of, its a human chicken pen that obsructs my lovely view of the equally ugly Lenton!
I hate the way the Lower class are stacked in these concrete towers that we immediatley associate with crime, violence and social disorder. By segregating the poorer minority does it attach these stigmas to these individals who are unfortunate enough to not be able to afford better home?
On the other side of the aurgument do these people put themselves here, is it a tower full of benefit claimers who cant be bothered to remove themselves from this way of life that forces the government to provide such cheap desolate housing for those who will not support themselves fully?
ooh, oppressive. interesting shot and nice musings
wow, that is a staggeringly controversial point at the end O_o and one that i completely disagree with haha, but credit to you for providing both sides of the argument. it really is a horrifying building.
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