I have missed mud!

I Have missed having to wear wellies when i go for a walk, infact I've even missed having to tuck my jeans in!

I've missed walking through the woods and seeing how different everything looks every time i leave my house!

I've missed gates that are closed even though they lead in to empty fields and I've missed climbing over them when I'm not suppose to!

Most of all I've missed being able to take my dog ( Jazz) for a walk when ever i wish to see any of these things that i love!
The one and only reason i don't find Nottingham all that pretty is because I'm not use to living in a big city! I'm use to being here, in the middle of nowhere, being able to get away from it all and being able to find some solace away from cars and people and shouting and lights! I can even see stars out here!
Sorry once again for the lack of yesterdays blog, once again the internet was down, its one of the perks of living in the countryside, the internet is so unreliable so I've posted extra to make up for it.
I might try to use this difference to focus my project a bit more, try to show how things differ for me now that "my world" has totally changed!
I want to be at home now! Going for a wander across Packsaddle Fields with Scruff ...
annie loving this set of photos! Its so simular to what I know and love.
yeah i miss my view like this everyday in nottingham,but maybe find what you love about it here,another 2 years under our belt.i really liek the fence one
These are beautiful, completely from the heart, love them!
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