Okay so after today's crit i'm not sure if i feel better or worse about my project, i felt like i had a solid idea of what i wanted to do but now i'm just not sure! i have been posting blogs over the last two days trying to show parts of my world, things that make me, me!
I had felt really pleased with my images from yesterday's blog, books are a real passion for me, i love the whole experience of reading, the feel of the pages, the musty smell of the paper and the whole idea of getting totally lost in a world that isnt mine! A grater in a kitchen is not how i would describe me at all but i'm trying something different even if i do totally hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugh said that i should probably look down another path and not try to do the macro idea cause it will probaly get a bit boring after a few weeks, but right now i have no idea what else to do. I'm liking the Macro work i have done so far so i'm not 100% sure if i want to go back to it another time!! Think i need some opinons and ideas here.......help!
lol this pic is really intersting and the caption is hillarious!! xx
lol at least someone appreciates my bad humour!
I couldn't help but have a little chortle at the title. I do enjoy a good, or bad, sometimes both at the same time, pun.
I liked your macro work but, do sort of see where Hugh was coming from with their suitability for this project and the brief, documentary photography and all that because it's hard to do things with Macro to make the results more than just Macro photographs and though I am sure you would continue to make the photographs interesting formalistically with composition, lighting and the added intrigue of Macro (something you can still experiment with for your own personal enjoyment), you might struggle to develop it beyond that due to the nature of Macro photography.
Don't write it off though, it's a personal project, it's your world and how you want to represent it.
Not sure how that helps or if it does at all ...
Love the caption. In regards to where to take it what I think it lacks is personal'ness (i cant think of a word for that) I think what hugh said was that what your taking photos of isnt individual enough, a book is a book to put it bluntly. Pehaps taking images of things that you/your personality has affected. For example something youve made or written, taking a photo of a black and white photo youve developed or something youve written.
Perhaps you could play with composition, putting things together - posing them, to make they say something about you
Quiet rough ideas im afraid, hope theyre a little helpful..
Thank you Tom and Owain for your help, its always good to hear what others think and i think its helped me to see things a little more positively
Thank you again! :0)
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