Since i first began taking photographs i have done it for me, i've taken the shot when and where i want it taken, it has all been my choice. Now i have entered the world of university i have had to start thinking about taking pictures for other people, considering what it is i am being asked to do as oppose to considering what i want to do. This is where i have been challenged, i need to set my mind to the idea of taking photos for other people, for a brief or a set project. In doing so i have to consider also how i can inject a part of me in to that brief.
Our course is all about changing the way we see things, the way we express ourselves and the way we speak, as this doesn't tend to happen over night i have been feeling a little pushed in different directions, being told when and how to work. But what it is all about is making a set brief our own whilst still achieving the desired result of our client.
This image is mostly about how the current state of my world is making me feel, i feel cluttered, overwhelmed, intirged but most of all activly encouraged to make changes to the way i work.
This project is going to be demandng and challenging but thats what being a photographer is all about!
Was in London and Reading all weekend so only just getting my blog fix now!
I thought this post was a particularly good insight into the different troubles we are all facing in adapting from our previous photographic experiences into the ways of Photography here at University.
It is finding that balance of a personal approach and something you want to do and say from within yourself and fitting it to the brief in a way that is true to both your idea, message and thought, as well as to the brief and it's not always going to be something you can do easily, there will be briefs you find difficult, just have to keep working and wait for the inspiration to hit you!
Like the photograph - try and make more images which tackle the problems you refer to...
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